The Vapormist humidifier is a compact, cabinet-style unit perfect for finished spaces and compatible with all water types and numerous dispersion options. Installation is a snap, just attach the frame to a supporting structure and connect electrical and water services.
Controlled by:
Vapor-logic® controller
Dispersion devices:
- Ultra-sorb® steam dispersion panel
- Rapid-sorb® dispersion tube system
- Single dispersion tube
- Space distribution units
Features and Benefits
- Compatible with all water types (tap, softened, deionized, reverse osmosis)
- Disperses steam through ductwork with dispersion tubes or panels, depending on the dispersion method chosen.
- Passed rigorous tests to meet IBC standard and OSHPD pre-approval for Seismic Certification option
- Made in the USA
Capacity: Steam capacity from 6 to 102 lbs/hr (2.7 to 46 kg/h), link up to 16 units for capacity up to 1632 lbs/hr (740 kg/h)
Applications: Designed to be a compact, cabinet-style unit with no visible vapor trail, ideal for use in finished spaces
Options: Space distribution unit, water treatment system