XT Series electrode humidifiers provide humidification for a wide range of buildings, including health care, commercial, industrial, and government facilities. Easy installation and cylinder replacement together with minimal maintenance make XT Series one of the most affordable humidification systems to purchase and install.

XT Series Electrode Humidifier With Outdoor Enclosure

The XTP humidifier with outdoor enclosure is made to be mounted to the side of an air handler or exterior wall and is CSA/ETL certified for outdoor operation. It includes:


Réglage mini-vidange

A mini-drain setting can now be enabled on the XT electrode humidifier to help maintain output capacity and prevent excessive swings in conductivity by performing frequent drains and water fills that are so small that they result in a continuous boil in the steam cylinder.

Main > Diagnostics > Humidifier > Firmware version

Watch a video with firmware update instructions

Main > Setup > XT management > Mini Drain > Enable

Watch a video walk-through of this process

Controlled by:

Vapor-logic® controller

Dispersion devices:

Ultra-sorb® steam dispersion panel

Rapid-sorb® dispersion tube system

Single dispersion tube

XT steam blower

Features and Benefits

Capacity: Steam capacities from 5 to 287 lbs/hr (2 to 130 kg/h)

Control : Vapor-logic® controller

Applications : Designed for easy installation and minimal maintenance

Options : User-selected drain water tempering