The Heavy Duty Hazardous Environments Air Curtain (HDX) is designed to be used in hazardous areas that manage combustible substances such as dust, chemicals, flour, grain plastic and/or wood, as well as in areas with flammable substances such as gasoline, methane, natural gas and other dangerous gases. Refineries, grain processing, chemical production and other facilities managing dangerous materials can benefit from the HDX. This model is unheated and is manufactured for Class I Division 1 Group C & D and Class II Group F & G hazardous areas. The components of the HDX are protected by explosion proof housing and a powerful 3HP motor(s) ensures maximum environmental separation.

  • All weight bearing structural support is made of formed 11-gauge stainless steel and galvanized steel. Outer casing is constructed of 16-gauge stainless steel.
  • Motors are 3 HP explosion proof suitable for Class I Group D and Class II F&G. Total Enclosed Air Over (TEAO) motors 1630 rpm each.
  • To prevent sparks, no outboard bearings or flexible couplings are included.
  • Internal wiring is encased in hard pipe and connected to an explosion proof junction box.
  • Air intake screen is perforated 304 stainless steel with mill grain finish.
  • Heat types: Unheated