Exhaust gas : A health hazard

When a vehicle is started up inside a facility, whether it is a garage, repair shop, car dealership, warehouse or fire station, the fumes from the exhaust are condensed in the interior space, making the surrounding air potentially harmful to those present. Workers are certainly the most frequently exposed. Gasoline and diesel are the fuels […]

Peerless Blowers is the Solution

Challenges of different applications Peerless Blowers is a specialist in industrial and commercial ventilation. The company offers different models adapted to various needs. In fact, Peerless Blowers has designed products to meet a variety of applications, as each environment has its own ventilation challenges. We take a look at some of these applications for you […]

AAON – Sustainable Products

“For decades, AAON has manufactured the most sustainable equipment in the commercial HVAC industry, helping to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings more than any of its competitors’ equipment.” AAON products are designed for performance, flexibility, and ease of maintenance. Research and development have become a critical factor in being competitive in the HVAC equipment […]

Air Curtains vs Humidity

AIR CURTAINS VS HUMIDITY Humidity – A sticky situation There are plenty of ways to describe humidity. Scientifically, it’s the concentration of water particles in the air. From a technical standpoint, it can be stated in percentages and levels. From a general perspective, some will say, “it’s nice out, just a little humid.” But for […]

The 6 Steps of Humidification Design

STEP 1: REVIEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION When air and heat escape, so does humidity Similar to protecting against unwanted heat loss in a building, there are a few things you can do to ensure accurate humidity control and to protect against unwanted condensation or loss of humidity. Whether working with new construction or in retrofit situations: […]

Combustible Dust

THE DANGER OF COMBUSTIBLE DUST WHAT IS COMBUSTIBLE DUST ? Combustible dust is any material (finely divided solid particles) that has the ability to disperse in the air, ignite and cause an explosion when exposed to a source of combustion. Combustible dusts may include materials that are in the physical state of powders, flakes, fibers, […]

Evaporative Humidification

Humidification installation dristeem

EVAPORATIVE HUMIDIFICATION AND COOLING FOR ALL CLIMATES WHY HUMIDIFY – AND WHY CONSIDER EVAPORATIVE TECHNOLOGY? Facility managers, owners and operators humidify their buildings for many reasons – the most common being the health of the people in the building and to protect equipment or products from dry air. Of course, humidification has a cost to […]

Tower Tech Cooling Tower at Montréal

Installation d’une tour d’eau Tower Tech à Montréal Le 21 octobre dernier, l’équipe Aireau est allée visiter la première installation de notre tour d’eau Tower Tech au centre-ville de Montréal. Le client nous y attendait, à notre arrivée et après les présentations, il nous a fait un petit historique à propos de son choix judicieux […]

AAON Rooftop Units

Lost energy is Lost money Did you know that an AAON HVAC cabinet can help you save money? As utility costs increase, poor insulation and poor air seals will result in more wasted heating and cooling dollars. Architects, engineers, and owners know that utilizing quality materials and construction techniques will minimize losses in the building. […]